Transport of containers

Transporte de contenedores
Polyvalent extensible chasses of drop tara, apt for the transport of containers 20', 40', 45'

Transport OF TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED  Chassis instrumented with engine generator with connection for container reefer, has capacity of load until 28 tn. We offer the guarantee of the maintenance of the chain of cold during the transport of commodities to temperature controlled., ensuring this in front of possible mishaps.

Transport OF COMMODITY ADR: The transport of dangerous commodities, by reasons of security, is subject to a series of specifications and legal requirements. The involuntary incidents related with the transport and manipulation of dangerous commodities can have grave consequences for the people and the environment. It is by this motive that LAREN 2000 awards a tall priority to this type of load. In the transport of dangerous commodities it is necessary to take legal requirements like the packaging, the labeling or the marked of units of transport. By this, is fundamental to have the knowledges of an expert squad in this matter,  as well as of insurances so much of civil responsibility general as of environmental civil responsibility that can guarantee the coverage of possible accidents.
Transport BASCULANTE: they Are squads designed for the transport to granel of primary products, that can be dumped with a torva. They use in industrial processes to granel, already was of agricultural products (cereals, piensos, flours...) Or products derived of industrial processes (mineral, metals, plastics). 
SPECIAL transports (on container): Vehicles to transport loads very heavy or that by his dimensions require special elements. They require of a complex system of permissions of circulation that does more important, if it fits, the specialisation and knowledge of this type of transports. 
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