ASTIC Enciphers in 4,5% the emissions of the transport by road in the EU

ASTIC recuerda en el marco del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente que el transporte pesado de mercancías por carretera representa solo el 4,5% de las emisiones totales de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI) provenientes de la actividad humana en la Unión Europea. La entidad analiza qué medidas se están llevando a cabo para reducir el impacto medioambiental de un sector clave para la economía mundial.
ASTIC Remembers in the frame of the World-wide Day of the Environment that the heavy transport of commodities by road represents only 4,5% of the total emissions of Gases of Effect Invernadero (GEI) from the human activity in the European Union. The entity analyses which measures are carry to reduce the environmental impact of a key sector for the world-wide economy.
DP Madrid.

From it does more than a decade, the professional transport by road is implanting a deep transformation in his business and logistical management to reduce the emission of GEI, that engloba, among others gases, the carbon dioxide (CO2),that represents 80%, the oxide nitroso (N2O),the methane (CH4) or the ozone (O3)]. 

Some of them are the investment in vehicles of main energetic efficiency; the formation of his drivers in skills of economic driving; or the bet by the tall technology to optimise the planning of routes with the end to minimise dead times and routes in empty.

"All these measures have achieved that the new vehicles that the companies carriers incorporate to his fleets have diminished his emissions of CO2 in the last ten years more than 20% by each tonne-kilometre produced", explains Ramón Valdivia, general director of ASTIC.

Strategic in the world-wide economy

The transport of load by road is strategic for the world-wide economic development when constituting the central element of the chain of supply, contributing a key connectivity among the industry and the society of consumption. 

In Spain, 95% of the terrestrial movement of commodities makes by road to charge of something more than 100.000 companies operating near of 360.000 vehicles, in front of 75% that registers of average in the EU. 

This sector contributes near of 5% to the Spanish GDP and gives use to more than one million workers (more than 520.000 are direct). Spain is the second country of the EU that makes more international transport of commodities by road with a quota of market of 16%, only surpassed by Poland.

A strategic paper that has put of self-evident of form clearer during the pandemia "when our carriers followed working, putting his health in risk, to resupply of foods, medicines and other essential sakes during the hardest confinements; the same that sucede now with the vaccines against the COVID-19". 

"Only 4,5%"

The enormous value of his work for the society “only” generates 4,5% of the emissions of GEI pertinent of the human activity of the EU. 

"As we are the first that want that that only turn at all, will continue working to achieve the so yearned neutrality of emissions in 2050 of the hand of partners like the International Union of Transport by Road (IRU),that finishes to announce a Green Pact that fixes a leaf of clear route so that the sector reduce his emissions of CO2 in, at least, 3.000 million annual tonnes", stands out the general director of ASTIC.

Renew the fleet

One of the appearances in which more inciden the experts to brake the emissions in this sector is the renewal of the fleet since an engine of a heavy vehicle, under the rule of contamination Euro 2 (15 years of life),supposes 95% more than poured of gases to the atmosphere that those models Euro 6 that commercialise in the actuality.

"Conscious of the importance of this measure, in ASTIC make in April a survey to our companies affiliated and ascertain the youth of  his fleets", indicates Valdivia.

In this way, it explains that the current half age of his vehicles from his registration in 80% of these companies is of less than four years "and are speaking of big companies (50% has fleets of more than 100 trucks) that spend several decades operating in the sector". That is to say," that do not renew his vehicles because they are companies recently created but to maintain in permanent avant-garde in energetic efficiency and security vial being this behaviour a foundation of his business culture and commitment with the very done work", ensures Valdivia.

2030: Presence of electrical trucks or of battery of fuel

In 2018 the European Commission began to work in the first rule on emissions of CO2 applied to heavy vehicles: in 2025 the poured half of the new trucks will have to be 15% lower that in 2019 and for 2030 proposes an aim of reduction of, like minimum, 30% regarding 2019.

"We are in favour of any measure that suppose energetic saving; so much by a subject of environmental commitment as by an economic question since at present a third of the operative total cost of the operators of transport corresponds to the cost in fuel. And it is clear that if we save in fuel, will issue less CO2 and will be more competitive", ensures Ramón Valdivia.

According to data facilitated by the Association of European Constructors of Automobiles (ACEA),although the registrations of trucks diesel in 2020 have fallen 25,5% with regard to the anterior year keep on being 96,4% of the total (almost 235.000 units) whereas the trucks to natural gas and the electrical grew respectively 5,8% (near of the 6.800 units) and 42,1% (1.059 matrículas).

"Apart from the diesel, the natural gas and the ecocombustibles, in the next decade do not discern effective vehicular solutions and efficient that can be available, with volumes of sufficient production and reliability contrasted. A park rodante of heavy vehicles of long route promoted electrically, already was with batteries or with batteries of fuel fed with green ‘hydrogen', is not viable to day of today because they are to years light to offer a total cost of competitive operation. From 2030 himself we can be speaking of a significant presence of this type of trucks in the figures of annual registrations; something in what we coincide with the International Agency of the Energy, that for a polish later foresees that 50% of the new matrículas of heavy correspond to electrical solutions", underlines Valdivia.

In tuning with the values of the World-wide Pact of the United Nations, of the that ASTIC is partner signatory, this patronal continues working every year to advance in his commitment with the reduction of CO2. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat

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