The lines of action of the Plan of Sustainability of the Transport "suppose a loss of competitiveness"

La Federación Valenciana de Empresarios del Transporte y la Logística (FVET) ha expresado su decepción ante el borrador del Ministerio de Transporte, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana del Plan de Impulso a la Sostenibilidad del Transporte de Mercancías por Carretera.
The Valencian Federation of Employers of the Transport and the Logistics (FVET) has expressed his disappointment in front of the draft of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Diary of the Plan of Impulse to the Sustainability of the Transport of Commodities by Road.
The Plan contemplates, among other proposals, the application of the payment by the use of the autovía that, as it estimates the Executive, could approve in the Council of Ministers the next month of June. And also the incorporation of the truck of 44 tonnes and 4,5 metres of height. 

“We feel us ninguneados and even penalised with these measures that are announced, when we are a key sector in the economy, the indispensable link in the chain. At present, in Spain, with the infrastructure that have, the transport of terrestrial commodity goes through the truck”, adds Carlos Prades, president of FVET.

According to the Ministry, the Plan of Impulse pretends to boost the sustainability of the sector collecting a series measured in the field sociolaboral, economic and environmental that treat to answer to problematic latent of the carriers. 

“The regulation of the load and download, the hardening of the legislation to sanction the morosidad, the impulse to the digitalisation or the helps for the renewal of the fleet are some of the performances defended by the National Committee of the Transport of Commodities by Road (CNTM) so that they are incorporated in the Plan and that have the support of the sector", remembers Prades.

"What does not understand is to develop lines of performance without our consensus that suppose the loss of competitiveness of the companies of the sector, like the payment by use of the road infrastructures to the carrier taxpayer or the incorporation of truck of 44 tonnes”, explains the president.

"Measures without the consensus of the sector"

REGARDING the payment by use of the autovías, the Plan of Impulse contemplates to impute to the carrier the use of the roads by the carriers, a cost that, from the Federation, estimate that it will finish assuming the carrier. 

From FVET defend that the transport of commodities by road already contributes sufficiently road imposed to attend the needs of maintenance and investment in road infrastructures. Only through the imposición specific on the fuel, the carriers contribute more than 15 billion of euros all the years to the public arks. 

In the case of the incorporation of the truck of 44 tonnes and of 4,5 metres of height, the carriers question the profits that would have for the sustainability of the sector and the increase of the competitiveness. 

“We think that the modernisation and the renewal of the fleet are measures more strategic for the sector, that contribute to the descarbonización and the reduction of emissions. The carriers are doing endeavours in this direction: as it collects the Ministry of Transports, in 2019 the new registrations of trucks and vans no dependent of the petrol or the diesel have grown 67% regarding the anterior year”, adds the president of FVET.

The implantation of this class of vehicles in the European countries that have it in force has not supposed economic improvement for the carrier. These dimensions have implications in matter of security vial, cost of infrastructures and, even, on the own structures of the company of transport, with predictable losses of places of work in a context of crisis caused by the COVID-19.

It starts the negotiation with the Ministry

To accost these and other proposals of the Plan, the CNTM, in which it finds FVET, will begin the meetings with the Ministry of Transport next Thursday.

“From FVET will defend always to the carrier and the interests of the sector. We are expecting of new movements of the Ministry in this sense and had to seat us in the table of negotiations whenever it do not suppose to put in check the sustainability of the companies carriers”, concludes Prades. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat

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