“Put up the price of the price of the products and the costs of the road is not the solution”

“Encarecer el precio de los productos e incrementar los costes de la carretera no es la solución”, afirmó ayer Elena Castillo, diputada del PP en el Congreso de los Diputados, durante la defensa de la moción -promovida por el PP- para retirar la propuesta del Gobierno de aprobar un sistema de pago por uso en la red de carreteras del Estado, moción que ha sido finalmente rechazada en la votación celebrada esta mañana con 152 votos a favor, 189 votos en contra y 3 abstenciones.
“Put up the price of the price of the products and increase the costs of the road is not the solution”, affirmed yesterday Elena Castle, deputy of the PP in the Congress of Deputies, during the defence of the motion -promoted by the PP- to remove the proposal of the Government to approve a system of payment by use in the net of roads of the State, motion that has been finally refused in the vote celebrated this morning with 152 votes in favour, 189 votes against and 3 abstentions.
INMA Crag | Madrid | 27 May 2021 - Updated at 10:26h
The approval of this system of tolls, signalled yesterday Elena Castle, only will suppose “a sablazo more to the pocket of the citizens”, to the equal that to the of the carriers by road, that in the actuality suppose 88% of the modal quota and represent 94% of the terrestrial transport total.

The Government, affirmed the deputy of the PP, pretends to collect 80.000 million euros with this system by the expense of a sector that, as it defines in the Plan of Recovery, Transformation and Resiliencia, endures a “low fiscal pressure”.

“It is lawful to say that the road has a low fiscal pressure when the sector contributes 11.000 million euros to the Estimates, whereas the conservation and maintenance of the roads supposes some 2.000 million euros?”, it defended Castle.

The carrier, affirmed the deputy of the PP, no longer only will have to pay the loans for the acquisition of his vehicle, the maintenance of the same, the diesel... But now it adds him a new tax.

By all this, added Castle directing to the Government, “from the Popular Party ask them that they remove the proposal to the main possible shortness and remove it of the future Law of mobility”.

By his part, from the Socialist Party, the deputy and spokesman of Transports, Mobility and Urban Diary, César Bouquets, defended the proposal of the Government affirming that it will have to open a debate to pay, of one or another way, the 1.200 million euros of maintenance that suppose the Spanish roads.

Transports foresees a mechanism for repercutir the cost to the carrier

As it has informed the association of transport by road Fenadismer, is foreseen that the Ministry of present Transports in brief to the national organisations of the sector the content of his proposal on the mechanism that poses in relation to the payment by the carriers of the utilisation of the roads and his traslación to the carrier companies to be able to repercutir said cost, in the case that finally it approved said measure.

Anyway, Fenadismer has wanted to remember that the package of measures that Transports consensuó with the associations of the sector in July of 2020 had like aim help to the community of the transport by road to face the current economic situation affected by the sanitary crisis. 

Like this, among the committed measures found the relative to the containment or improvement of the load tributaria, with the commitment of not applying tolls to the trucks in the Spanish roads without the previous consensus of the sector. 

Fruit of this agreement the associations of carriers agreed desconvocar the national unemployment of the transport that went to initiate to finals of July in all Spain.
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